271 research outputs found

    A Semantics-Based Approach to Design of Query Languages for Partial Information

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    Most of work on partial information in databases asks which operations of standard languages, like relational algebra, can still be performed correctly in the presence of nulls. In this paper a different point of view is advocated. We believe that the semantics of partiality must be clearly understood and it should give us new design principles for languages for databases with partial information. There are different sources of partial information, such as missing information and conflicts that occur when different databases are merged. In this paper, we develop a common semantic framework for them which can be applied in a context more general than the flat relational model. This ordered semantics, which is based on ideas used in the semantics of programming languages, cleanly intergrates all kinds of partial information and serves as a tool to establish connections between them. Analyzing properties of semantic domains of types suitable for representing partial information, we come up with operations that are naturally associated with those types, and we organize programming syntax around these operations. We show how the languages that we obtain can be used to ask typical queries about incomplete information in relational databases, and how they can express some previously proposed languages. Finally, we discuss a few related topics such as mixing traditional constraints with partial information and extending semantics and languages to accommodate bags and recursive types

    Direct Product Decompositions of Lattices, Closures and Relation Schemes

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    In this paper we study direct product decompositions of closure operations and lattices of closed sets. We characterize direct product decompositions of lattices of closed sets in terms of closure operations, and find those decompositions of lattices which correspond to the decompositions of closures. If a closure on a finite set is represented by its implication base (i.e. a binary relation on a powerset), we construct a polynomial algorithm to find its direct product decompositions. The main characterization theorem is also applied to define direct product decompositions of relational database schemes and to find out what properties of relational databases and schemes are preserved under decompositions

    Approximation in Databases

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    One source of partial information in databases is the need to combine information from several databases. Even if each database is complete for some world , the combined databases will not be, and answers to queries against such combined databases can only be approximated. In this paper we describe various situations in which a precise answer cannot be obtained for a query asked against multiple databases. Based on an analysis of these situations, we propose a classification of constructs that can be used to model approximations. One of the main goals is to show that most of these models of approximations possess universality properties. The main motivation for doing this is applying the data-oriented approach, which turns universality properties into syntax, to obtain languages for approximations. We show that the languages arising from the universality properties have a number of limitations. In an attempt to overcome those limitations, we explain how all the languages can be embedded into a language for conjunctive and disjunctive sets from [21], and demonstrate its usefulness in querying independent databases

    Logic Meets Algebra: the Case of Regular Languages

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    The study of finite automata and regular languages is a privileged meeting point of algebra and logic. Since the work of Buchi, regular languages have been classified according to their descriptive complexity, i.e. the type of logical formalism required to define them. The algebraic point of view on automata is an essential complement of this classification: by providing alternative, algebraic characterizations for the classes, it often yields the only opportunity for the design of algorithms that decide expressibility in some logical fragment. We survey the existing results relating the expressibility of regular languages in logical fragments of MSO[S] with algebraic properties of their minimal automata. In particular, we show that many of the best known results in this area share the same underlying mechanics and rely on a very strong relation between logical substitutions and block-products of pseudovarieties of monoid. We also explain the impact of these connections on circuit complexity theory.Comment: 37 page

    \u3cem\u3en\u3c/em\u3e-Distributivity, Dimension and CarathƩodory\u27s Theorem

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    A. Huhn proved that the dimension of Euclidean spaces can be characterized through algebraic properties of the lattices of convex sets. In fact, the lattice of convex sets of IEn is n+1-distributive but not n-distributive. In this paper his result is generalized for a class of algebraic lattices generated by their completely join-irreducible elements. The lattice theoretic form of CarathƩdory\u27s theorem characterizes n-distributivity in such lattices. Several consequences of this result are studies. First, it is shown how infinite n-distributivity and CarathƩdory\u27s theorem are related. Then the main result is applied to prove that for a large class of lattices being n-distributive means being in a variety generated by the finite n-distributive lattices. Finally, n-distributivity is studied for various classes of lattices, with particular attention being paid to convexity lattices of Birkhoff and Bennett for which a Helly type result is also proved

    A Direct Translation from XPath to Nondeterministic Automata

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    Abstract. Since navigational aspects of XPath correspond to first-order definability, it has been proposed to use the analogy with the very successful technique of translating LTL into automata, and produce efficient translations of XPath queries into automata on unranked trees. These translations can then be used for a variety of reasoning tasks such as XPath consistency, or optimization, under XML schema constraints. In the verification scenarios, translations into both nondeterministic and alternating automata are used. But while a direct translation from XPath into alternating automata is known, only an indirect translation into nondeterministic automata- going via intermediate logics- exists. A direct translation is desirable as most XML specifications have particularly nice translations into nondeterministic automata and it is natural to use such automata to reason about XPath and schemas. The goal of the paper is to produce such a direct translation of XPath into nondeterministic automata.

    On Low Treewidth Approximations of Conjunctive Queries

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    We recently initiated the study of approximations of conjunctive queries within classes that admit tractable query evaluation (with respect to combined complexity). Those include classes of acyclic, bounded treewidth, or bounded hypertreewidth queries. Such approximations are always guaranteed to exist. However, while for acyclic and bounded hypertreewidth queries we have shown a number of examples of interesting approximations, for queries of bounded treewidth the study had been restricted to queries over graphs, where such approximations usually trivialize. In this note we show that for relations of arity greater than two, the notion of low treewidth approximations is a rich one, as many queries possess them. In fact we look at approximations of queries of maximum possible treewidth by queries of minimum possible treewidth (i.e., one), and show that even in this case the structure of approximations remain rather rich as long as input relations are not binary

    On Incomplete XML Documents with Integrity Constraints

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    Abstract. We consider incomplete specifications of XML documents in the presence of schema information and integrity constraints. We show that integrity constraints such as keys and foreign keys affect consistency of such specifications. We prove that the consistency problem for incomplete specifications with keys and foreign keys can always be solved in NP. We then show a dichotomy result, classifying the complexity of the problem as NP-complete or PTIME, depending on the precise set of features used in incomplete descriptions.

    Model-Checking Problems as a Basis for Parameterized Intractability

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    Most parameterized complexity classes are defined in terms of a parameterized version of the Boolean satisfiability problem (the so-called weighted satisfiability problem). For example, Downey and Fellow's W-hierarchy is of this form. But there are also classes, for example, the A-hierarchy, that are more naturally characterised in terms of model-checking problems for certain fragments of first-order logic. Downey, Fellows, and Regan were the first to establish a connection between the two formalisms by giving a characterisation of the W-hierarchy in terms of first-order model-checking problems. We improve their result and then prove a similar correspondence between weighted satisfiability and model-checking problems for the A-hierarchy and the W^*-hierarchy. Thus we obtain very uniform characterisations of many of the most important parameterized complexity classes in both formalisms. Our results can be used to give new, simple proofs of some of the core results of structural parameterized complexity theory.Comment: Changes in since v2: Metadata update
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